Hiraeth; an old Welsh word depicting a feeling not easily defined, thus an exact definition does not exist, leaving space for loose interpretation. A commonly accepted meaning is that of a “homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of our past.”
Photography to me is the one medium able to truly capture slivers of time; to show a moment, a place, a feeling, or a thing in a way it never can ever again because life is ever changing, growing, evolving. Memories and physical things can fade, but a photograph lasts forever.
While my personal work vastly differs from the business side of things, I believe housing everything in one place helps give folks a better sense of my photographic range and who I am.
The images I take in my day to day, my travels, my journeys in the quest for answers and beyond can sometimes be used in ways to highlight environmental issues. By sharing stories and the beauty of places I hope to inspire viewers to do their part in maintaining a healthy planet for a continued, sustainable existence for all. Like all things, my work evolves, and with it, the message or purpose may evolve, too. These create the visual diaries of my personal Hiraeth.
To see more of my visual diaries, follow along on Instagram via @hiraethdiaries